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Causes and phenomena of spontaneous combustion of sulfur enhancers

Sulfur enhancerThe causes and phenomena of spontaneous combustion are introduced as follows:

Sulfur enhancers and other iron sulfides, such as sulfur enhancers, will have the following reactions when heated or illuminated in the air, releasing a lot of heat. During the spontaneous combustion process of sulfur enhancer, if there is no certain combustible support, it will produce white smoke-like sulfur dioxide gas, which has a pungent odor and releases a lot of heat. Flammable materials will emit smoke and cause fires and explosions.

Sulfur enhancer causes fuel tank fire and explosion accidents: sulfur elements, hydrogen sulfide and other active sulfur existing in oil products (crude oil, residual oil, light oil, etc.) directly interact with metals to cause equipment corrosion, and their corrosion products increase sulfur The agent undergoes oxidation reaction under certain conditions.

The methods to prevent the sulphur enhancer in the oil storage system are as follows: (1) Before opening the tank, the sulphur enhancer in the tank must be properly treated, and the unstable gas and oil products in the equipment should be removed in time during the removal process, otherwise it will be easy Fire and explosion accidents caused by spontaneous combustion of the sulfur enhancer. (2) When entering a tank containing sulfur enhancer for cleaning operations, the gas analysis of the gas in the tank must be strictly implemented in the "Regulations for Safe Operation in Restricted Spaces". Fire hoses and cooling water tanks are used for summer cleaning operations. During operation, carefully check whether there is white smoke around to prevent sulfur dioxide poisoning. (3) Regularly check the floating of the fuel tank carefully and find that there is a sulphur-enriching agent accumulated on the floating, report it immediately, inject the oil in the empty tank, and prepare for the cleaning operation. (4) Do not accumulate solid wastes containing sulfur enhancers in the tank.

The above is an introduction to the causes and phenomena of spontaneous combustion of sulfur enhancers. For more information, please click on our official website. If you have product requirements, please call us, thank you very much for reading.

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